How to Toot Your Own Horn Without Blowing It! Toot! Toot!

By Morag Barrett on September 30, 2014

Posted by Morag Barrett | September 30, 2014How to Toot Your Own Horn Without Blowing It! Toot! Toot!Sharing our strengths and the value we bring, whether at home or work can be a fine balancing act. Share too much and you will come across as a braggart. Share too little, and well, you won’t come across at all.“Without promotion something terrible happens—nothing.” P.T. BarnumHere are six approaches for tooting your own horn without blowing it and ensuring others know what you have been up to!“How’s it going?” instead of the trite “fine” the next time someone asks you how it’s going brag it up a bit. “Going great thanks! I’ve just finished [insert accomplishment/result].” Pay particular attention when you are talking with the boss. I was coaching a manager last week who was asking “Why doesn’t my team share their successes? All they seem to bring me are problems!” others do want to hear your good newsWhat You Can Do: The next time someone asks you how you’re doing, do the unexpected… share your good news.Keep a file of others feedback. Many of us, especially women, often dismiss positive feedback or compliments. We shrug them off as if they mean nothing. Well they don’t mean nothing. They mean everything! Especially on our toughest days when things don’t seem to be going to plan, having sight of our strengths can help us successfully navigate our challenges.What You Can Do: Create a file to keep a record of positive comments you receive, as well as your accomplishments. If you have completed a 360 feedback, keep the positive comments and refer to them. The people who shared them recognize these as your strengths, you should too!Speak your truth. During our emotional intelligence workshop I will ask participants to write down their top three strengths, and to keep this list visible for the next month. Whether you put on the fridge, bathroom mirror, at your desk, the choice is yours.What You Can Do: Recognize and celebrate your strengths. If you don’t know what these are how can you expect others to?Keep it Simple. Avoid embellishing your contributions or spinning a tall tale. You don’t need to be clinical in sharing your good news, but stick to the facts, if you are known for the “one that got away” or “the fish was THIS big” then you will rapidly lose credibility.What You Can Do: Share the facts, what the problem was, what you did to help resolve it, what the final outcome was (even if it slightly missed the mark).Put Your Best Foot Forward. Get involved, whether at work or organizations you belong to outside of the office. Being visible is a way to demonstrate your strengths without having to overtly toot your horn. If others can see you contributing in ways outside of your job description it will stop you being type-cast or overlooked for future opportunities.What You Can Do: Volunteer for projects, teams, committees; to make the presentation; to prepare the presentation; to coach the new employee.Stories Sell. Stories paint a picture, one that others can remember. Instead of starting with the punch-line try a different tack. A story is a great way to demonstrate how you overcame an obstacle or solved a specific problem. Sharing your story helps others to learn from your approach and get to know you a little better along the way.What You Can Do: Whether you are the hero(ine) who saves the day, or your story is where you messed up – share what you learned, how you moved forward and show others the story of success.“Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” Benjamin FranklinDO IT NOW! Don’ be shy! What’s the awesome-sauce that makes you special? Toot your horn in the comments below, let’s celebrate what makes you special together!Related ArticlesTags »communicationEmotional Intelligencevalues Share