High performance isn’t always about being new; it’s basic common sense.

By Morag Barrett on July 9, 2013

Posted by Morag Barrett | July 9, 2013High performance isn’t always about being new; it’s basic common sense.Ask people to provide examples of innovation and chances are you will hear stories of software, technology, the latest new idea… “there’s an app for that”.  But does innovation always have to be about “newness”?; about being the first with a new gadget?  In our experience working with teams across industries, innovation and leading edge isn’t always about new things.  In many cases, innovation and high performance can be boiled down to three fundamental elements.  The high performing teams we work with:Apply common sense. Being innovative doesn’t have to be rocket science, it is about getting very good at the fundamentals. Don’t over engineer it!Work with Focus and Discipline.  How often have you said “I thought of that!” or “I could have done that” – the true innovators are the ones who able to apply the discipline to take an idea and see it through to completion.  To take the time to learn and apply a new habit or skill. In a team environment, high performing teams DO WHAT THEY SAY THEY ARE GOING TO DO.  They hold effective meetings (that start and finish on time) that have a clear purpose (to discuss, to decide etc.) and have the right people in the room (and by that we don’t mean EVERYONE).  They create action plans that ensure that they execute against their goals and hold each other accountable for expectations and standards.  The REGULARLY reflect on what is working and what is not, both processes and team dynamics.Talk to each other.  The high performing teams we work with operate with a level of candor that removes the barriers to performance.  The team members can talk about the elephants in the room or gorillas in the corner, those sensitive issues that get in the way of success (even when the stakes are high!).  Candor is the modus operandi, and doesn’t mean they always agree, high performing teams learn to ‘fight well’, they disagree (and can do so quite vociferously) and when a decision is made they are all behind it.  Dissent happens in private, the team presents one voice to the rest of the organization.  And more importantly… even after a ‘stand up fight’ relationships remain intact, if not strengthened by the candor and debate.In this short video you hear from Charlie Mullins, self-made millionaire and founder of Pimlico Plumbers.  His innovation was to ensure that his team changed the perception of the plumbing industry, and plumbers.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/10079392/Charlie-Mullins-top-3-entrepreneur-tips.html Related ArticlesTags »changeHigh Performing TeamTeam activitiesteam building coloradoteam building denver Share